Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer Treatment - Hope & Heal Cancer Hospital & Research Center Breast Cancer Treatment - Hope & Heal Cancer Hospital & Research Center

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the world. Most women witness some lumps or bumps in their breasts throughout life. Fortunately, most of them are safe; however you should go for a careful clinical examination whenever your breasts witness any significant changes.

Most of the breast cancers show a painless lump, increasing slowly over some time. Since it is painless, most patients ignore it at its first stage. Unusual nipple discharge, lesions on the nipple and areola, retraction of the nipple, and dimpling of skin are other signs and symptoms of breast cancer. The treatment procedure for breast cancer at Hope & Heal Cancer Hospital and Research Center includes a number of steps such as:

Breast Biopsy

A breast biopsy involves using surgery or a biopsy needle to remove a sample of your breast tissues and is the only clinical method to determine if a suspicious area of your breast is cancerous.

Sentinel Lymph Node

Sentinel node biopsy is a procedure that helps to find the proliferation of cancer cells in your breasts.

Axillary Clearance

It is an operation that removes all or most of the lymph nodes under your arm. This procedure is known as axillary clearance or axillary lymph node dissection.

Breast Conservation Surgery

Breast conservation surgery, also known asbreast-sparing surgery and partial/segmental mastectomy, helps to remove malignant or some abnormal tissues from the breast; but not the breast itself.

Modified Radical Mastectomy

It involves the removal of the whole breast, which may include the nipple, areola, and some skin over the breast; most of the lymph nodes under your arm may also be removed.

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