What To Know About Breast Cancer

What To Know About Breast Cancer


Breast cancer begins in the breast cells when these cells grow out of control. This malignant growth can occur in one or both breasts. Women are more likely to develop this cancer type than men. Thanks to medical advancement that has improved the survival rate of this disease. See a doctor if you feel lumps in or around your breasts.

Not all lumps you feel around the breast region are cancerous. Typically, these uneven areas are milk-producing ducts in females. Health experts can tell you if there’s a suspicious one. Pain doesn’t tend to be an early sign of cancer in most cases. For optimal cancer treatment in North Bengal, see the leading oncologist in Siliguri.

Listed in the directory below are signs and symptoms of breast cancer:

  • A lump seems different from the neighbouring lumps
  • Changes in the breast size
  • Changes in the breast appearance, looking inflamed or scaly
  • Redness around the area
  • A lump felt near the armpit
  • Fluid/blood-stained fluid discharge from the nipple

Wise to seek medical attention without procrastination. You may consult a general physician or gynaecologist for first aid. What exactly leads to breast cancer is not well understood by doctors. There are several contributing factors, however, including:

  • Being female
  • Age over 55
  • Active tobacco smoking
  • A family history of breast cancer, especially in first-degree relatives/sibling/parent
  • Previous radiation exposure to the chest, neck, or head
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Being overweight
  • Experiencing menstruation at an early age
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy

If you undergo pain in your breast or nipple, do not worry. Best to talk to your doctor since most breast cancers do not result in pain. Such pain often involves menstrual cycles in females. Mastitis is a medical condition that refers to an inflammation of the breast tissue. It may cause sudden onset of breast pain. Other signs of mastitis may include swelling, redness, warmth to touch, fever, thickening of breast tissue, etc.

Prevention of breast cancer involves:

  • Choosing a healthy diet; a balanced diet; wholesome foods
  • Avoiding/limiting alcohol consumption
  • Keeping from tobacco smoking
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Practising exercise/yoga regularly
  • Performing self-breast exam

Obesity is a health condition that may be responsible for breast cancer reoccurrence. Thus, weight management is of immense need. A modified diet plan and lifestyle can help you keep your body weight in a good state. Doctors may suggest a few diagnostic procedures if they suspect malignant growth or tumours.

Types of diagnostic procedures include a breast exam under a specialist, a breast X-ray/mammogram, a biopsy, an ultrasound, MRI, etc. Further tests can be a CT scan, PET scan, bone scan, blood test, et al. These tests help examine the cancer staging.

Treatment of breast cancer more often entails surgery. Your oncologist may recommend cancer therapy like radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy drugs, immunotherapy, hormone therapy. Receive compact guidance on treatment procedures. Optimal healing your way.

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