The bladder looks triangle-shaped and is a hollow organ that sits in the lower abdomen. In order to store urine, the bladder walls expand. And it contracts to empty the urine through your urethra. Cancer begins when the cells account for making up the bladder develop uncontrollably. It may form a tumor.
Without treatment, malignant tumors can spread to other areas of the body. Urothelial carcinoma appears to be the most common type of bladder cancer begins in the cells that line the inside of the bladder. If you notice blood in urine tends to be painless, talk to your doctor. For radiation therapy in NorthBengal, contact your oncologist in Siliguri.
What are the signs/symptoms of bladder cancer?
Listed below are common signs of bladder cancer:
- Blood in urine/hematuria that makes your urine appear dark, bright red, or Coca-Cola colored
- Painful urination
- Frequent urination
- Ongoing bladder infection
- Back pain
Seeing blood in the urine doesn’t mean one has a cancerous growth in his bladder. Kidney infection, bladder infection, injury, prostate gland problems, urinary tract stones, kidney disease, and medicinal side effects may bring about bloody urine. A medical diagnosis can determine the underlying reason for hematuria.
What increases the risk
Various risk factors are there, including:
- Cigarette smoking, pipe smoking, or cigars are prominent risk factors for bladder cancer. The harmful chemicals in smoking can inflame and damage the lining of the bladder, increasing the risk of cancer.
- Chronic bladder infections, other forms of UTIs, or bladder stones can make one likely to have bladder cancer. If you have frequent bladder infections, see your doctor, and get compact guidance on lifestyle modifications and whatever requires to heal it.
- Longtime exposure to certain chemicals like rubber, hairdressing supplies, paint, leather, or dyes might uplift the likelihood of bladder cancer.
- A family history of bladder cancer may put you at the same risk, especially if it runs in first-degree relatives. Upon notice of signs like bloody urine, painful urination, back pain, or frequent urinary tract infections consult a healthcare provider. You may consider a general physician or a urologist in this regard.
Prevention and treatment of bladder cancer
Individuals with a history of bladder cancer might develop it again. The chance of bladder cancer reoccurrence is there. Moreover, there are ways to reduce its risk or prevent it.
The first step is eating well. Follow a balanced diet. Exercise regularly and you don’t need to reach a gym center for that. Refrain from smoking. Even exposure to second-hand smoke is concerning. Take proper caution during occupational chemical exposure.
Wholesome foods ensure a healing effect. Choose fruits, vegetables, and whole grains over refined and processed food items. Be sure to consult a doctor on early notice. People with a family history of bladder cancer should be extra attentive to their well-being.
Doctors may suggest surgery to remove cancerous cells. Cancer therapies like radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy work effectively in recovery. Ensure not to miss follow-up health check-ups as advised.